
How to Pass PMP® Exam with exam sample 2018?

The only and best advice to pass PMP exam is to do as many practices as you can. Because of that, I have concentrated more on adding a lot of PMP questions and answers to help you with exam preparation. Now PMI® has recently announced that First PMP Exam on PMBOK® Guide 6th Edition will happen on 26th March 2017 across the world. This mean PMP® aspirants can take PMP® Exam on PMBOK® Guide 5th Edition until 25th March 2018. It has been observed in past that as the date of change come closer, it will become difficult to get a slot for the exam. Even getting a seat in the paper-based exam would be difficult. Pune observes a paper-based test (PBT) for PMP® Exam every month and dates until Dec 2017 are already announced. For the PMP® aspirants who want to give PMP® Exam on PMBOK® Guide 5th Edition, it is advisable to book a slot as soon as possible to avoid any disappointment later. For PMP® aspirants who want to give PMP® Exam on PMBOK® Guide 6th Edition, should buy